The Cosmos of Time
The Wizard of Cap Malheureux
Introduction “Cosmos-of-Time”
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce myself by presenting a short overview of the new Cosmos as its author. My personal data you find at the end of the book.
My practical and theoretical knowledge acquired with time, supported by my critical mind, have brought me in conflict with many aspects and presumptions the woke Science of today considers true and definite.
I asked myself, for instance:
Why has Science never managed to define neither time nor gravity, but nevertheless applies both in multiple equations?
Why has Science not yet found out where dark matter and energy originate, although they say it makes up 95% of the mass of their Universe,
Why has Science not the slightest idea yet where dark-holes end up?
Science has not as yet been able to prove that subatomic particles exist as tangible matter, and
And how can Science defend using undefined coordinates as dimensions and gluing an undefined time unto it to define the structure of the Universe?
Not even with inclusion of their recent Covid-19 fuckups, I have lost complete confidence in the scientific establishment.
To find the peace to put my contrarian thoughts on paper, I settled in 2011 here in Mauritius.
The first part of my ‘Cosmos’ is based on facts I analysed, the old established way nobody can fool around with.
My key to the structure of the Universe followed an in-depth analysis of the moment of the “Now” and lead me, as the first person ever, to establish the definition of “Time”.
Based there upon, I arrived at the unassailable conclusion, that the Universe must be structured in three steps of dimensional power, all of Time. The first the Force of Time, propelling the second, the invisible bow-wave Sphere of the “Now” into the future, that is cloaked in a mantle of electromagnetic forces and visible matter, the third step.
Steps of power backed by Maxwell’s layers of power, where the quantities of the top layer are quadratic to the quantities in the underlaying layer.
The second part of Cosmos covers my hypothesis of how our visible Universe of three-dimensional matter came into existence:
As the Sphere of Time expands relative to the advancement of the Force of Time, the way spheres expand with the square of their radius, the moment will arrive that the time/energy input by the Force will not suffice any longer to maintain the initial expansion rate of the Sphere and will start diverting from expansion orientated to accumulate and circulate in two-dimensional electric waves on the Sphere’s surface.
And like all electric currents are inseparable surrounded by their electric-magnetic fields, so will the currents now circulating on the Sphere grow a three-dimensional electric-magnetic mantle around it. This mantle serves as the home for all three- dimensional matter created.
The process of how three dimensional matter is created, I deduced – partly by adapting Einstein’s e=mc2 to te=m.t2 , as per my revised structure of the Universe resting purely on time and – partly from Prof. Halton Arp’s “Creation of baby galaxies by Quasars”.
Like on earth clashing weather fronts build up vertically into hurricanes and cyclones, similarly I see the horizontal waves of colliding energy on the surface of the Sphere clash and hence flop straight up in ultra-fast rotating Jets. Inside the Jets the sucked up energy is converted into basic hydrogen H1 that is spewed out, high-up into the electro-magnetic mantle.
The more new matter comes into existence, the more the surface of the Matrix will become horizontally distorted, which gives rise to a counter-force, the recoil- force.
It is the recoil force that hence concentrates the ejected H1 into heavier atoms, into molecules and greater bio-systems.
It is the recoil force that concentrates the ejected H1 from dust clouds, into super-clusters, globular galaxies, spiral galaxies and finally pulls everything back into the Matrix via black holes. The returned energy will again be available to feed new Jet-Vortexes to be spewed out again and again into the surrounding electro-magnetic mantle. A repeating process of metabolism on universal scale!
Our Universe holds all the ingredients for “Life” : it has a beginning, it creates matter that serves as building-blocks and energy storage, and it shows metabolism as its driving force which makes it independent of further input by the Force of Time, living of its own stored energy reserves. Till, weakened by entropy and its energy used up, its internal time-machine will grind to a halt …. and as every living creation finds its death, so will our Universe.
Like in every living being, every point is connected with the whole, we found that every little point in the electro-magnetic Mantle is interconnected in a. greater overarching neuronal net. We can still communicate with the two Voyagers we launched over 20 years ago, even they find themselves already far out of our solar system. As a neurosurgeon at the University of Verona stated: “The structures of the perceptible universe, they say, are astonishingly comparable to the neuronal networks of the human brain”.
In the same content, to show “cosmic life” more in detail, I added a few chapters relative to our earth. As part of the Living Universe, our Planet Earth turns like a sublime self-regulating breathing, living cell in its own right.
Another universal “Life” indicator came on 1-Jul-2022 by the Carnegie Science Laboratory, stating that Life played a direct or indirect role in the formation of almost half of known mineral species on earth, such as by creating an oxygen-rich atmosphere that led to 2,000 minerals that wouldn’t have formed otherwise.
And where does all this leave us humans, we, minuscule microbes doling around in an immense Universe…?
We must learn to understand that we are part of an all compassing Greater Life and that we have to live and act according to its rules and laws in order to fit in and survive.
Cosmic rules and laws should become our holy grail to build on, and not what all the shamans imposed on mankind.
Through zillions of years, Nature has advanced through trial and error till the best of the best resulted. So we better trust Nature and do not interfere. We should not mould Nature our way, but try to find the best way to fit in with Nature!